Samuel Moseley, PhD Values SECU’s Level of Care
A retired professor with more than 35 years of teaching and administrative experience under his belt, Dr. Moseley knows that learning from life’s challenges and supporting those who support you leads to better connections and a stronger community.
His affinity for SECU, which has influenced his wife, sister, children, and even his grandchildren to become members, stems from receiving a level of care he’s never found at another financial institution. As a young professor struggling to make ends meet, the Credit Union was there to help with a loan when other lenders would not. A short-term loan he received from SECU afforded Dr. Moseley the opportunity to attend an important work conference and provided a worthy investment in his long-term career.
Currently, SECU is fortunate to have him serve as a Member Advisory Board volunteer. In this role, he uses his voice to share fellow members’ concerns and hopes for our cooperative’s future, making sure they are always heard. His goal? To ensure that the level of service, the sense of community, the feeling of being a part of something special, and most importantly, the knowledge that someone at the Credit Union is there for you, is always present.
“Being a part of the Member Advisory Board, or any of the Credit Union’s committees, I think is really important for people because you get to help others and make your mark on something bigger than yourself. Where else can you say that? That sense of community, of service, of just knowing that someone is there for you. That’s what makes this place special. I believe SECU does all of that for its members.”